Data Automate Actions Copilot

Superpowers for your marketing team

Extend your automation using third party tools. Easy to install and remove using the actions market.

Essential actions

A collection of actions written by Pocket, the starting point while you explore the full action market.

Send Email

Just email that works

By Pocket

Send SMS

Just SMS that works

By Pocket

Send push notification

Use push notifications within your journeys.

By Pocket

Personalise website

Transform the site for the customer.

By Pocket

Fixed time delay

Wait for a defined amount of time.

By Pocket

Delay until action

Wait for an event to continue an automation journey.

By Pocket

Send to Zapier

Connect +6000 tools

By Pocket

Send to Google Analytics

Sync to Google analytics

By Pocket

Send to Meta (FB) Ads

Sync to Facebook

By Pocket

Send to Google Ads

Sync to Google ads

By Pocket

AI features

Leverage the power of your already trained Copilot to craft personalised content for your journeys.

Approve, edit or tune it fast using the AI review menu.

Dynamic AI text by Copilot

Generate personalised content at scale.

By Pocket

Dynamic Ai images by Copilot

Generate personalised images at scale.

By Pocket

Recommended products by Copilot

Unique product recommendations

By Pocket

Actions market

Built by anyone with an idea, generate revenue by exending Pocket CDP features, login to your account to install, become a partner to build

Send Email

Just email that works

By Pocket

Send SMS

Just SMS that works

By Pocket

Send push notification

Use push notifications within your journeys.

By Pocket

Personalise website

Transform the site for the customer.

By Pocket

Delay time

Wait for a defined amount of time.

By Pocket

Delay until action

Wait for an event to continue an automation journey.

By Pocket

The action market is still in beta.

We are working with a few selected partners to build the next generation of Features as a service.

If you want to have early access as a customer, please leave your email and we will invite you first when the feature market is out of beta.